We believe that God inspired the Bible, the Old and New Testaments, and that it guides our whole lives, directing all matters of belief and practice. It is trustworthy, authoritative, and applicable. The Bible, perfect as inspired by God, is still living and powerful in its entirety.
We believe that humankind is loved by the one holy and eternal God who is the Creator of all things. He exists as the Godhead of three persons with distinct functions: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ, fully divine & fully human, was sent of the Father to reconcile us to Himself. Jesus, born of a virgin, lived a sinless and selfless life, took our place in death through the cross, and demonstrated His victory over sin and death when He rose again on the third day and is seated on the right hand of God on high.
We believe that God intends for us to be given a new relationship with Him and new life through the work of the Holy Spirit at the point of salvation and for us to live filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is sent by God, The Father and The Son, to equip us as the body of Christ with various spiritual gifts to glorify Jesus by transforming people, to convict of sin, and to help us live holy and fruitful lives in God’s redemptive plan.
We believe in the continuation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit and encourage believers to pray for these gifts to operate in their own lives and to use them in building up the Church.
We believe that God created man and woman, His perfect design, with each person uniquely formed in His image and given a purpose as part of His redemptive plan for all creation. All humanity is united in its origin, in its wilful fall in sin and alienation from God’s life. All humanity is united in the offer of God’s redemption from the resulting physical and spiritual death. In God’s redemptive love, all humanity then equally warrants love, forgiveness, and just treatment.
We believe that God offers all people the gift of eternal life and redemption from our fallen state, from death, which is the result of our sin, and from suffering eternity separated from God.
We believe that people can enjoy this assurance of being saved, by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. This faith affirms the redemptive power of Jesus’ blood shed on the cross and that those receiving His offered gift are born again, justified, restored, and adopted into the family of God to receive eternal life to come. To be forgiven of our fallen sinful state and take our place in God’s new creation each of us must repent of our sins, believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as our Saviour, and submit to Him as Lord of our lives. The genuine result of a decision to follow Jesus Christ is a commitment to live a sanctified life of obedience to His Word.
We believe that, as recipients of God’s grace and salvation, we are members of the body of Christ - His Church. As Jesus builds His Church we are to continue, as co-labourers, meeting together and encouraging each other in the love and good deeds He calls us to, including preaching the gospel, baptising those who believe, and remembering Jesus as we share communion. Each member of the Church is a minister who should use their gifts as part of God’s plan in demonstrating His love to the world.
We believe that our mission is to demonstrate and proclaim the love of God, that has changed our lives, to the rest of humanity. We are to inspire all people that they and their cultures are to be reconciled to God and honour Him by living according to His Word. The church of Jesus Christ is to actively work at positively transforming the world, through to Jesus promised return, the resurrection of the dead, and eternity with Him as King of every tribe, nation, and tongue in His new heavens and new earth.