Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.
— 2 Corinthians 9:7-8

Accountability & controls

Arise Church is registered under the Charities Act 2005, which outlines specific standards that need to be met, including financial requirements. Controls are in place to mitigate risks and ensure processes are outworked accordingly. These controls apply to everyone who handles finances across the organisation. We keep a risk registry with a focus on finance. This allows us to identify risks and mitigate them appropriately. We diligently adhere to policies that are based on both legal and biblical best practices. We are constantly looking to work smarter in stewarding God's finances well.

  • Transactions & Payments

    • All supplier orders, credit card purchases, and reimbursements are required to be in budget with a valid purchase order number.
    • Invoices are signed off by budget owners or their delegates.
    • Reimbursements are signed off by line managers.
    • Credit card transactions are monitored by the finance team.
    • Senior leadership and high-level management credit card transactions are monitored and signed off by the General Manager.
    • All payments undergo two finance team checks and then are authorised by two additional authorities.

  • Monthly Reviews

    All transactions for all budgets are reviewed in detail by the finance team each month. A profit and loss report for each budget area is then prepared and sent to the budget owner. We are developing innovative ways of reporting which empower budget owners with information to make wise and informed decisions.

  • Board Oversight

    Financial oversight and responsibility sit with the board. The board reviews and approves the annual budget. The board then delegates the outworking of this budget to the finance team and budget owners.

    Each month the board receives an update on finances, including a statement of performance and position which covers all transactions. Any over-expenditure is highlighted and discussed, with actions set and communicated to minimise any variations. Expenditure outside of the budget requires prior approval according to the delegated financial authority policy. This authority primarily sits with the board, with defined levels delegated to management. The board, the leadership team and the finance team are in direct contact and communication, with any additional information or updates provided as needed.

  • Annual Audit

    Each year, our financial accounts, processes, and controls are audited by an independent firm. This engagement tests and checks our systems, processes, and controls, as well as sampling transactions and key accounts. The process also examines potential risks and checks whether there are adequate controls in place to mitigate them, and the consequential impact on financial statements. These are prepared in line with the Financial Reporting Act 2013, in accordance with the NZ GAAP and comply with the PBE IPSAS, as well as other applicable standards, as appropriate for a Tier 2 not-for-profit PBE.

  • Professional Standards & Code of Ethics

    The finance team is made up of highly qualified professionals. This team includes varied professional qualifications including a member of CAANZ (Chartered Accountancy Australia New Zealand). The team proudly maintains professional standards and a code of ethics.

    We have strong processes that include using a finance tool to maintain accountability and oversight of our finances. All transactions are recorded and reconciled with this tool. Our accounting software is only accessible to the finance team and auditors. Any changes made are automatically noted on the software and are included in the control and substantive testing performed as part of annual and ad-hoc audits.

Financial Processes

Detailed financial processes are outworked both in the day-to-day activity and the future planning of Arise Church. This is to help direct decision-making and ensure resources are stewarded well.

  • Annual Budgeting

    The budgeting process is a mix of top-down and bottom-up. Our Board with the collaboration of the leadership team set high-level parameters for the budget, taking into account the priorities for the year. Our finance team then works with each budget owner to forecast for the following year – looking at average previous spending, any changes in congregation size or activity, and any areas for saving. These budgets are compiled, along with a list of any requests.

  • Salary Setting

    Salaries are a large part of our budget, and of course, represent our incredible staff team. We have a process for setting salaries. Each of the roles within our organisation sit in a band with an associated salary range. The placement of roles into bands and the salary range for each is informed by input from Strategic Pay, which is a remuneration consultant with market information from a variety of sectors.

    Individual salaries will be set based on that staff member’s ‘placement’ within the relevant band. This is determined with equal weighting of the below factors: - Size of Responsibility - Performance/Delivery - People Leadership - Expertise - Tenure

  • ARISE Care

    Arise Care is a significant part of our Church outreach. Arise Care includes specific events such as the Big Hearts, Breakfast Clubs, Vulnerable Women, prison ministry, chaplains in schools, and disaster and humanitarian relief campaigns. The funding comes from giving and the annual offering.

  • Debt Principle & Interest Payments

    Currently, our Debt to Equity ratio is 15%. The board has set a financial strategy that sees us continue to reduce this until 2030. Our loans are currently on interest-only terms. Principle payments on debt are expected to start in 2026.

  • Guest Speakers

    Occasionally we have ‘guest speakers’ at our church. All expenses associated with guest speakers – including flights, accommodation, and gifts/honorariums – are from a Board approved budget. The Board has tightened the guest speaker policy and standardised amounts. Each honorarium is confirmed by a board member prior to being communicated and sent.

Our 2023 Financial Report provides an in-depth analysis of our organisations financial performance and progress over the past year. The report covers Arise’s income, expenditure, volunteer numbers, and more. This report can also be found on the Charities Register, along with prior years’ reports.

Update as our 2023 Finance Report was uploaded to the Charities Register in June 2024.

How to give

  • Debit / Credit Card

    Give a one off gift or set up a recurring payment via Pushpay

    Give now
  • Online banking

    Account number:
    Particulars: Your full name
    Code: Your tithe number
    Reference: Tithe

  • The Offering

    Account number:
    Particulars: Your full name
    Code: Your tithe number
    Reference: Offering 24

Refund policy

All requests for donation refunds will be at the discretion of ARISE. In deciding whether a refund can be facilitated, the donation(s) in question will be assessed to determine whether it/they have already been applied to a charitable purpose.

Contact us

If you have any questions or would like to request a tithe number, you can email us at finance@arisechurch.com

Email us