10am Service
Te Raukura ki Kāpiti
Parents Room
For parents with children aged 0-1 yrs old. Complete with live feed and audio, you can enjoy the entire service with your baby.
ARISE Kids 1-11 yr olds
ARISE Kids is all about faith, fun and friends. Through pre-school and primary-school ages, there is a place for your child. Snacks provided.
10am Service
Te Raukura ki Kāpiti
Parents Room
For parents with children aged 0-1 yrs old. Complete with live feed and audio, you can enjoy the entire service with your baby.
ARISE Kids 1-11 yr olds
ARISE Kids is all about faith, fun and friends. Through pre-school and primary-school ages, there is a place for your child. Snacks provided.
Held weekly
Every Thursday
6pm to 7pm
Held at various locations.
Contact Geoff or Lyn for location.
Geoff Hopkins
Campus Pastor
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