We believe that this new ministry, LEGACY will do exactly that: leave a legacy of impact for the Kingdom.
A legacy of lives changed. A legacy of equipped saints in the marketplace. A legacy of business leaders encouraging one another. A legacy of prayer and prophecy. A legacy of impacting our world. A legacy of resourcing the mission of God.
We invite you to be part of LEGACY.
Join us on April 1st for our first major Legacy event of 2025. We will be joining together for coffee and dessert at 7:30pm and the event will finish at 9pm.
We will be joining together in every location to hear from Trevor Yaxley. Trevor is an innovative entrepreneur, an evangelist, a CEO, an author and a producer of animated film & tv shows. He and his wife, Jan pursue their heart's passion of evangelising, training, and equipping people to bring positive change to New Zealand. Trevor is a gifted speaker and an enthusiastic motivator. He founded Family Television Network and produced and directed over two thousand live-action and animated TV shows. In addition to this, he was the founder and CEO of Huhu Studios which was involved in the production of VeggieTales. He has worked and ministered in various countries. Currently, Trevor is the CEO of Generations Energy.
Contact your local Campus Pastor for the location of your Legacy event.
We want to meet the spiritual needs of our Legacy community, through faith, prayer and discipleship.
They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.
— Acts 2:42
We want to gather together and equip those in our Legacy community who have the gift of giving.
So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers.
— Ephesians 4:11
We want to create a community of like-minded believers, to help provide support for one another, through networking and more.
As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another
— Proverbs 27:17
We want to enable our Legacy community who wish to serve the Church with their technical expertise to be able to output their God-given talent.
Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms
— 1 Peter 4:10
Legacy is a ministry where we will empower people to be great stewards of what God has given them. We believe that work is a ministry and is worship to God.
Legacy will provide quarterly events for connection and input, as well as regular resources such as webinars, emails and devotional guides.
We are committed to equipping people to be able to make decisions in business and the marketplace with Christian values through discipleship and godly community.
Legacy will be a ministry that enables people to make an impact in the world around them!