Review Roadmap

We have been progressing well through the Review Advisory Committee (RAC) implementation process. We want to share our progress thus far and provide our broad roadmap setting our expectations going forward.

In April 2023 the Review Advisory Committee (RAC) concluded a wide-reaching review of Arise Church by providing a final recommendation report to the Arise Board. The report set out both structural and non-structural recommendations for Arise to address issues that were identified through their review process. This report was accepted by the Arise Board, and management has been tasked to see these recommendations implemented.

We are grateful to report that substantial progress has been made on these recommendations. The management team are providing great momentum towards seeing these recommendations implemented. This is a massive undertaking, and we feel privileged to join in this important work.

RAC Implementation Revised Roadmap

RAC Recommendation Actions Progress
Establish “Statement of Belief” Completed
New Trust Deed Completed
Obtain suite of policies Completed
Trust rules on LP & GM meeting attendance Completed
Develop financial transparency & stewardship policies Completed
Remove perceived “front row” status from all parts of Arise Completed
Establish clear Biblical teaching on a culture of honouring Completed
Initial review with Arise staff that served on RAC Completed March 2024
Trust on-boarding policy Commenced
July 2024 completion
Spiritual panel policy Policy completed
Invitations have commenced
Create & maintain clear organisational structure Org chart completed
Implementation has commenced
Create new mission, vision & values strategy Completed vision & values
Implementation strategy on-going
Develop personal data systems & policies Commenced
Date to complete cybersecurity upgrades TBC
Full “Kingdom Business” reset Commenced
Date for re-launch Aug to Sept 2024
Create Board performance policy Not started
October 2024 completion
Progress review with Arise members that served on RAC September 2024
Develop campus eldership structure & policy Not started
Completion date TBC
Operations panel policy Not started
Completion date TBC
Develop cultural inclusion strategy & policy Not started
Completion date TBC
Develop inclusion strategy & policy Commenced
Completion date TBC
Gender equality strategy & policy Not started
Completion date TBC
Create skills register system to activate members Not started
Completion date TBC
Follow up review September 2025

Detailed progress report

Click an item to expand

  • Establish a Statement of Belief

    A sample ‘Statement of Belief’ was provided in the RAC recommendations. This has been considered and re-worked by Arise staff with theological experience.

    The new Statement of Belief is crafted to be biblically founded, simply worded, and remain applicable as Arise continues to grow and change in God’s purposes. The re-worked Statement of Belief has been approved by the Board and the Arise Leadership Team.

    This new statement is included in the new Trust Deed for Arise Church. The statement is published on the Arise Church website.

  • Implement a new Trust Deed

    The RAC provided an exemplar Trust Deed for the Board to consider. This deed has been reviewed by Parry Fields lawyers, with suggestions provided by the Board to ensure the deed will serve Arise Church well in the current legal/statutory environment. The new Trust Deed has been approved by the Board and is awaiting signing at the next board meeting.

  • Obtain suite of policies

    Arise Church purchased ‘Employsure’ policies for HR related issues. These have been adapted for our employment related policies. These policies were also the basis for our ministry and volunteer handbooks.

    For our other areas of our operation, it was agreed a better approach for these Arise policies would be to develop documentation that specifically reflected our unique nature as an organisation. This has been applied to policies such as health & safety, drawing on externally sourced standards. An extensive suite of policies has been developed and approved by the board including:

    • Building Use Policy
    • Business Continuity Plan
    • Campus and Lead Pastor Vehicle Policy
    • CCTV Policy
    • Complaints Policy
      • Internal Complaints Policy
      • External Complaints Policy
      • Bullying, Discrimination and Harassment Policy
      • Grievance Handling Policy
      • Protected Disclosure / Whistleblower Policy
    • Child and Young Person Protection Policy
    • Confidentiality Policy
    • Conflict of Interest Policy
    • Credit Card Policy
    • Data Protection & Security Policy
    • Delegated Financial Authority Policy
    • Device Use Policy
    • Emergency Relief Donations Policy
    • Employment Handbook
      • HR Manual
      • Disciplinary Process Policy (Misconduct)
      • Overtime / Work hours Policy
      • Parental Leave Policy
      • Smoke-free Workplace Policy
      • Drug & Alcohol Policy
      • Social Media Policy
      • Personal Development Policy
      • Internet & Email Policy
      • Phone & Hardware Policy
      • Leave Policy
    • Finance Office Manual
    • Flexible Working Arrangement Policy
    • Health & Safety Policy
    • Incident Management and Reporting Policy
    • Management Procedures
    • Media Policy
    • Ministry School Handbook & Acknowledgement
      • Health, Safety and Wellbeing
      • Complaints
      • Time sheeting
    • Ministry School Enrolment Policy
    • Ministry School Mentor Standards
    • Ministry School Supervisor Standards
    • Ministry School Withdrawal & Refund Policy
    • Motor Vehicle Policy
    • Pastoral Care Policy
    • Payroll Policy
    • Performance Appraisal Policy
    • Privacy Policy
    • Recruitment Policy
    • Refund Policy
    • Risk Register
    • Smoke-Free Workplace Policy
    • Staff Wellbeing Policy
    • Volunteer Handbook & Acknowledgement

    Arise is committed to continuing to review and develop policies that ensure we provide clear guidance for all aspects of our operations.

  • Trust rules on LP & GM meeting attendance

    The Lead Pastor and the General Manager are now required to attend and participate in Arise board meetings but have no voting rights at these meetings.

  • Develop financial transparency & stewardship policies

    Clear financial policies are now in place covering spending, honoraria, gifts, etc.

    Management is reporting the financial performance of Arise to the Board at each trust meeting. Arise is also providing quarterly online webinars with financial updates for the Arise congregation.

    The Arise website clearly sets out financial processes, accountability, and controls, for the wider community to access.

  • Remove perceived "front row" status from all parts of Arise

    Recognising that our previous practice of reserved front row seating created a perception that it was based on status, Arise Church has moved away from reserved seating, other than a limited number of seats required for good service dynamics.

  • Establish clear biblical teaching on a culture of honouring

    Teaching/training processes have been implemented to ensure all Arise staff clearly understand and operate in a biblical reflection of honouring. We recognise that these trainings will be needed on an on-going basis to remind ourselves of our biblically mandated responsibilities regarding giving and receiving honour.

    The Arise website has an easily accessible method for feedback from those who identify inappropriate or unhealthy conduct or expectations.

  • Trust on-boarding policy

    A current ad hoc on-boarding process occurs for new Board members. This includes processes for seeking people with a wide range of skills and diverse backgrounds to better represent the wider Arise community.

    New trustees are no longer allowed to be employees of Arise. A pastoral oversight check is undertaken to ensure new members meet the Arise "Biblical requirements of an elder". New potential members are also required to sign agreement to the ‘Arise Statement of Belief.’ These on-boarding requirements are currently in the process of being formalised in a new "Trust on-boarding policy".

    As per changes in 2022, new trustees must be approved by a 75% vote of existing trustees. Church members can nominate potential trustees for consideration.

  • Spiritual panel policy

    Based on RAC recommendations, a Spiritual Advisory Panel Policy has been developed and approved by the Board. The Board and the senior leaders are identifying potential members and inviting them to be involved. The implementation of this advisory will be an ongoing process, with the initial group being a smaller team of approximately six members from within and external to Arise.

  • Create & maintain clear organisational structure

    Organisational restructuring is well underway with the appointment of both our new Lead Pastor and our new General Manager. Communication continues across Arise to agree on roles and boundaries and to ensure all pastoral roles (paid & voluntary) have clearly defined access to a spiritual carer who can support them in their role.

    The implementation of both an Employee Handbook and a Volunteer Handbook has been a great step towards bringing clear organisational structure across Arise. Provision has been made to ensure all Arise Pastoral staff receive regular professional supervision/counselling.

    Arise recently completed an HR information gathering exercise, including external consultancy and internal staff feedback over the course of four months. The period for feedback and consultation has finished. The Lead Pastor, General Manager, & Leadership team have considered all feedback and formed a new organisational structure for the staffing of Arise. They are now beginning the implementation phase.

  • Create new mission, vision, & values strategy

    Our Mission (Arise 'Statement of Belief'):
    Our mission is to demonstrate and proclaim the love of God, that has changed our lives, to the rest of humanity. We are to inspire all people that they and their cultures are to be reconciled to God and honour Him by living according to His Word. The church of Jesus Christ is to actively work at positively transforming the world, through to Jesus promised return, the resurrection of the dead, and eternity with Him as King of every tribe, nation, and tongue in His new heavens and new earth.

    Our Vision:
    Pursue Jesus
    Build His Church
    Advance His Kingdom
    Impact Our World

    Our Values:
    People of Prayer
    House of Worship
    Mountain-moving Faith
    Life of Service
    Filled with Joy

    The strategies to see our vision and values become reality will continue to develop on an on-going basis.

  • Develop personal data systems & policies

    Arise has appointed privacy officers to ensure personal information collected is handled with good stewardship. The Arise website clearly sets out our current privacy policies for handling personal data and information. Our planned work to complete Privacy Impact Assessment of systems and databases is still pending. Our cybersecurity framework upgrades are underway in order to get Arise up to a baseline standard.

  • Full 'Kingdom Business' reset

    A project is underway to relaunch Kingdom Business in 2024.

    Kingdom Business has gone through a time where the Arise business community haven’t had a vision or a place to meet. Campuses ran their own Kingdom Business communities, and the Finance Update webinars became a replacement for formal Kingdom Business events.

    There were aspects of how Kingdom Business was formerly operated that members reported to the RAC as being detrimental to the church culture. We have four actions we want to implement for a new form of business support network; Life Groups, events, webinars & quarterly update emails.

    We want to align our new church vision statement with how we operate and run Kingdom Business in 2024 and beyond. Currently the planning and report writing is being completed. Sharing of our new Kingdom Business vision for feedback with a wider selection of the Arise community is underway.

    We are looking to re-launch in the third quarter of 2024.

  • Create Board performance policy

    The Board have started allocating budget to implement ongoing board member training. This is scheduled to commence in August 2024 with an external training session for board members.

    Regular development requirements for board members will be formally established through the new board charter document currently being prepared. The new board charter document will also formalise a self-review process of the overall board performance in an ongoing basis.

  • Develop campus eldership structure & policy

    A campus eldership model has been happening in an ad hoc manner in some campuses. All campus pastors/leaders have been tasked with identifying pastoral hearted people, who would be potential trusted advisors for the local pastoral staff.

    The next stage is to begin a more formal implementation of this eldership structure. The endeavour is to slowly grow into an effective, enabling eldership model. This will be achieved as we review, learn, and adapt to what works for Arise over the next couple of years.

  • Operations panel policy

    Work is yet to formally begin on our Operations Panel Policy. In the meantime, management recognise the wealth of talent and expertise that sits within the wider Arise community and continue to lean on this resource where appropriate.

    A formal structure will be implemented in the future to facilitate an Operations Panel(s) as an effective part of Arise.

  • Develop cultural inclusion strategy & policy

    Informal Hui has occurred in some Arise campuses to initiate conversation around cultural inclusion at Arise. A framework for advancing our journey of learning to express God's love through cultural inclusion, is yet to be established.

  • Develop an inclusion strategy & policy

    Our primary response to all at Arise is to demonstrate the love of Christ in everything we do & to encourage continuous personal growth into His likeness. Arise Church will commence a process to welcome, understand, and love LGBTQI+ individuals attending Arise, reflecting that God is love and that Jesus provides salvation to all people, regardless of circumstance. Senior leadership and pastoral care staff have begun this process.

  • Develop a gender equality strategy & policy

    Arise staff who served on the RAC provided feedback that gender equality is being practised in filling roles within Arise. Employment contracts have been clarified to ensure additional expectations are not being placed on the spouses of those being employed. A clear policy requiring a culture of gender equality in all aspects of the Arise community is to be put in place.

    This policy is yet to be started.

  • Create a skills register system to activate members

    Arise Church will define a process where members may register interest in volunteering their professional skills and expertise for Arise’ benefit in either a local or national capacity.

    This process is yet to be started.

Progress reviews

An initial review meeting has been held with Arise staff who served on the RAC to report on progress, gauge whether RAC intentions are being met, and seek their input on our next steps. We are committed to ensuring that the review process continues as we implement the RAC recommendations.

Later in 2024, we intend to invite all current Arise members who served on the RAC, to sit with us and review the work completed. We will also seek their input on what is working well for us as a community and where we need to continue to improve.

A further review session has also been scheduled for 2025.

We are incredibly thankful for the effort of the Arise staff who have put so much time and effort into the RAC implementation process. We are excited to continue moving forward as we work to see Arise Church operating vibrantly in all that God has for us.