
Progress on the Review Process

Dear church,

Thank you for joining us last Sunday – this was an important moment for us to pause, express our heart, and to apologise to those who have been hurt.

There have been many emotions and questions about the leaked Pathfinding Report. For some, it opened old wounds. For others it brought confusion, as it has not been in line with their experiences at Arise. Whatever your experience has been, we want to acknowledge that the last few months have not been easy, and we thank you for your grace and understanding.

The purpose of this email is to keep you informed as to the progress of the reviews and what you can expect over the next period of time.

As a Leadership Team, we want to improve our communication with you as well as assessing the changes that need to happen. This is our priority for the next season.

Below is a letter from the board with next steps of the review process.

Ben Kendrew
Campus Pastor Lead



Dear church,

The non-publication order of the Pathfinding document has been lifted by the Employment Relations Authority. We are now undertaking a process to fulfil our legal obligations as an employer before we release the report.

Further input will also be received shortly from BDO, Duncan Cotterill and Parry Fields and this information will give us further professional expertise needed to inform our next steps.

These findings will be considered alongside the Pathfinding report to provide us with a comprehensive picture.

We are also working on the formation of the Review Advisory Committee (RAC). We will let you know the nomination criteria imminently and would love your input. Once the RAC is in place, it will receive all the findings and hold hui with staff and church members. We are looking forward to processing the recommendations from all parties and making meaningful change going forward.

We want to express a special appreciation for our Campus Pastors as they lead through this difficult time.

Thank you for being a part of the Arise community and for your patience as we navigate the current phase of our journey.

The Arise Board.

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